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Application and Admission Exam Fee 50
Admission Fee : (One time payment per child) 500
Caution Deposit : (Refundable when issuing TC) 500
Tuition fee yearly payment (Included Text book ,note book and one set uniform clothes) LKG (KG1) 6500
Tuition fee yearly payment (Included Text book ,note book and one set uniform clothes) UKG (KG2) 7000
Tuition fee yearly payment (Included Text book ,note book and one set uniform clothes) Grade – I to VI. 8500
Tuition fee yearly payment (Included Text book ,note book and one set uniform cloths) Grade VII to IX 9000
Transportation Fee ( Monthly on the basic of distance) 250-500

Fee Rules

  • Tuition Fee is payable by 3 installments
  • Each Installment should be paid on or before the 5th of that month
  • First Installment – on beginning of academic year
  • Second Installment – on or before 5th December
  • Third Installment – on or before 5th January
  • Transportation fee is payable for 10 months