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Admission to the school is generally by an Admission Test (UKG onwards).The children who meet the required age criteria for various classes are considered for admission after successful written test and interview. Only completed application forms with required documents will considered for admission. Children seeking admission should fulfill the age criteria as per the directives issued by the Ministry of Education, K.S.A.

  • Passport copies of the parents and the child with visa pages.
  • Iqama copies of parents and the child.
  • 2 passport size photos.
  • Transfer Certificate from the previous School.
  • Birth Certificate of the student.
  • Vaccination Certificate.
  • Progress Report of the previous years.
  • Ministry of Education Approval from ( Grade- I onwards in case of Transfer inside the kingdom)

For Long Absence: If a student remains absent continuously for 15 days without prior permission his/her name will be removed from the school rolls.

Re-admission: A fee of SR 500/- will be charged to re-admit a student, Readmission will be considered only if the school authorities are convinced of non-recurrence of default in future

Progress Report: Previous Year Progress Report

Withdrawal from the School  

The parents should notify the school at least 15 days in advance for procession of Transfer Certificate (TC)

Compulsory Withdrawal

Principal can ask any parent to withdraw his/her ward from the school, if he considers the student’s/parent’s conduct, behavior and influence to be in any way detrimental to the interest of the school.