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The lessons we learn outside the classroom are more important than the ones we learn inside. We are delighted that our brand values are persistently divulged in our school. Al Fanoos International School reflects a desire to ensure that every child is happy and content in his/her learning. It is an educational brand where ‘children’ really excel. Our school is a brand where children respect each other for what they believe in and what they are. Our children become confident individuals, righteous citizens and learners enjoying success.

Our teaching process fosters self-directed learning. We believe that children have specific, individual needs and we work diligently to find the best methods for reaching each individual child. Our daily schedule offers opportunities for learning through play and probe with a focus on literacy skills, mathematics, science, independence and self-esteem.

I believe learning is a life-long process and things learnt in schools are just not a small part of what we learn in our entire lives. For one to be successful and be able to survive in the harsh world today, one has to be proactive to learn new skills and gain new knowledge through experience in every single day we lead. Knowledge and skills learnt in schools always remain contemporary and the current world in fast –paced, competitive and every-changing. By continuing to learn throughout one’s life, he or she will be more matured, independent and more confident in handling future changes and challenges.