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Assembly will be held every day.

All students are to attend the assembly in school uniform.

Reporting and departing from assembly should be orderly.

Students should follow the instructions of the teacher in charge.


Be present in the class 5minutes before the first bell.

Late comers will be not be admitted in the class, without a notice from Principal

Absence without valid reason will never be allowed

Students require minimum 80% attendance to be eligible for promotion

Leave rules

All Applications for leave are to be signed by parents/guardians.

Leave application on medical ground should be supported by authentic Medical certificate.

Student’s name will be removed from the roll, if absent for 15 continous working days unless the leave is sanctioned in advance


Students must have the complete uniform exact in colour and pattern
Boys should neat tuck in their shirts always.
Personal hygiene and neat dressing should be strictly observed
Fashionable hair style and dress will never be permitted.
Costly ornaments and other valuable should not be worn by pupils in the school (the school will not be responsible for the loss of such things)


Students should always be gentle, polite, and well mannered.
Students must greet all staff members, elders, visitors showing due respect
Class room discipline must be maintained.
Eating is permitted during interval time only.
Waste baskets/ dustbins should be used for keeping the class rooms and school premises clean.


Students should speak only in English while in campus & school buses
Pupils must avoid loud talk, in and out of class and also chorus answers.
Use of offensive hurting language, abusive words etc. will seriously be punished.

Interval time, play

No student is allowed to play during interval.
Good order and silence must be observed on the corridors.
Pupils should be present in the class before the next bell.

Code of conduct

Pupils are not allowed to enter other class rooms at any time.
Objectionable literature, video games, toys, valuables, mobiles, CD, USB etc. should not be brought to the school.
Students must report to the class teacher/Principal, if they have any sickness/bruise, any breakage, and any errant behaviour etc
No child, suffering from contagious or infectious diseases, will be allowed in the class.


Students should appear for all examinations
Using unfair means at the exam will be sufficient reason for serious disciplinary actions, including detention/dismissal of the students.
No re-exam will be conducted, to suit someone’s convenience.

At library

Silence and discipline should be always be maintained.
Follow the instruction of the librarian.
Handle books with care.
Reference books and periodicals can be referred only at the library.


Every pupils has right to bring complaints /grievances / problems to the principal.
It is to be clearly understood that group petitions, mass agitations etc. are against the school rules.
Head of the institution can suspend / dismiss students, indulged in such activities.

Disciplinary actions

Any reported or observed objectionable conduct of the pupil will invite disciplinary actions.
Dishonesty, obscenity in words and deeds, irregular attendance, habitual negligence in the school work, serious misconduct or threats even outside the school is sufficient reasons for disciplinary actions.
The Principal / Management has complete authority to dismiss/suspend a student or group of students if it is essential to do so in the best interest of the school.